Pardon Our Dust…

I’m sure you’ve heard the story of the cobbler’s children not having any shoes. Well, this website has been a bit like that.

Been so busy improving clients’ websites, and helping them rank, that this website has been rather ignored. In fact, it hasn’t changed much graphically since 2009.

Now, with the impending Mobilocalypse from Google, it’s time to update the site so that it is Responsive.

Part of doing this is putting a new WordPress theme in place. Sure, I could probably alter the existing theme, but WordPress theme’s in 2009 were missing many of the bells and whistles that are common now. For instance, many of the links and menus were coded by hand, rather than using WordPress’s nice menu system.

Updating the theme would arguably take as long, if not longer, than installing a new theme would.

But, still, many things are broken (or breaking) as I update the site. I decided to make the changes on the live site as:

1) It’s faster than building a test site
2) I’ll learn a lot about working on a live site
3) It’s my site, so any impacts are mine own alone. I can’t say that about client sites.

The downshot is that things will look a bit funky for a while, and even when things look good on the surface, there will likely be bugs running behind the scenes.

So, that’s a fancy way of asking you to pardon our dust as the site is updated.