What kind of under-the-hood tinkering goes into optimizing a website for local SEO? What if you’re not a local SEO expert? What if the mere thought of digging into complicated HTML has you shouting for H-E-L-P?
Relax. You don’t have to be the expert — that’s our job.
When you sign up for ionadas local’ On-Page Recommendations package, you get professional, specific, customized written recommendations on how to optimize up to four of the main web pages on your site, such as the Home page, Contact Info page, About Us, Services Page, et cetera.
We’ll also evaluate up to ten of your prospective keywords to make sure they’re right for your optimization needs before including them in the optimization of your site.
Best of all, you won’t get hit a lot of technobabble. We deliver the report to you in plain English, in terms your average web designer can easily understand and implement.
You can have On-Site Recommendations to optimize your website for a single location in as little as two weeks for a one-time fee of $995. Tell the search engines what they want to hear. Contact us today and we’ll show you how.
Time Frame: Approx. Two Weeks to develop the On-Page Recommendations
Output: A document with specific, customized instructions for optimizing your website for one location.
Investment: $995.00 (one time)